Sunday, May 3, 2009

My colicky baby and the search for the perfect bottle!!

Of course this is my search for the perfect bottle for the colicky baby, and it is what worked for me. I am not discrediting any other bottle that may be mentioned. We started Logan on the basic bottle, just as my first child had used. The plastic Gerber bottle with the clear (latex)nipples. Thinking it was a gas problem in the beginning, (and it very well could have been on top of the colic)we decided to try switching. We went to Dr. Brown's and the expense that I endured through all of the switching was major on top of trying different formulas. I felt that Dr. Brown's was complicated to use for us and when you have a screaming child as I did 24/7 they weren't the quickest to use. I did not see a decrease in his discomfort or crying on these. We then tried the glass bottle, the vented air--blah blah blah bottles. Last but not least we went for the Playtex Drop Ins, woo hooo success, there was a definite decrease in his discomfort ( he could have been getting to the point that he was "growing out" of the colic) but if worked for us---no air what so ever matched with the formula of choice which was the one that helped with gas. After we got him set on this bottle and the formula it started to get easier and easier with him. Of course his tantrums were also accompanied by the bouncing on the bed, which led to me buying the ultimate bouncy seat and the rest my dears is baby bliss history.

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