Sunday, May 3, 2009

How I helped my colicky baby!!

This blog is about my colicky baby, Logan. He is almost 7 months in a few days and we are well past the colicky days. I thought my story might help some mother on the edge of crying late at night trying to find help. Everything I came across on the Internet was like text book colic--ya da ya da. There is no such thing as a true diagnosis for colic--again this entire blog is my opinion and from my experience. Logan was born in October 08 by c section and had a bowel movement inside me and ingested some of it. People would say maybe he has colic because hes a boy, or he ingested the bm, or maybe cause he was born in October. I had all kinds of opinions coming at me and nothing was helping. I was on the edge of crying at the drop of a hat all day every day. Going through a c section and all the emotions and issues that go with that--add a screaming baby on top of it--YIKES!!! Well so our day was crazy no schedule what so ever-- no steady crying for certain periods of time, he just screamed and cried all the time. I tried everything switching bottles, switching formula, gas drops, doctor visits. The only thing that worked was cradling him and sitting on the side of my bed or any bed anywhere and bouncing pretty rough. It sounds harsh but it was the only thing that comforted him and it was the only---I mean ONLY way to get him to sleep. There is light at the end of the tunnel cause now he is happy all the time and quite regular in every other way that a typical 6/7 month old baby boy is supposed to be. There is no reason or logical explanation as to why he was cliche, but we are past that now. Actually we call it colicky but it may not have been, but that is my best guess. I did come across a little bit of information that I considered to be the closest to his possible reason for being "colicky." One of the things listed that would lead to colic was an immature temperament. This sounded like the best possible fit to me. Please feel free to leave me a message and share your ideas and opinions. Thanks for reading!!!

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